While the Tri-Cities Road Club welcomes all riders of all abilities to its Thursday Night Ride
(TNR), we also want to insure that the ride is as safe as possible for all participants.
With the advent of E-bikes and their participation in road riding groups we felt it was necessary to suggest some riding tips for those that choose to attend the event on an E-bike. With the added power of an E-bike, it enables most any rider to ride like a Strava King or Queen, and ride with groups they would normally not be in the midst of under other conditions. For this reason it helps if the E-bike rider follows a few basic etiquette tips for riding with groups.
1. With your E-bike you may be able to easily ride with or away from most riders. That
does not mean you should do so. When on the front of a group doing a “pull” you
should not surge or suddenly up the pace when you are at the front. It is not fair to the
riders behind you.
2. If in the middle or back of the pace line/pack where even less power assist is required,
please keep in mind that the other riders may be working much harder to maintain their
place and may not be able to carry on conversations, etc.
3. When ascending hills it shows poor taste to use the extra power available and motor
away from the other riders while not putting in nearly the effort that they are. You
should maintain a comfortable spot within the group that does not interfere with the
other riders ascending the hill/mountain.
4. Respect the group ride! Everyone rides to enjoy the friendship and physicality of bike
riding. Please make sure it is pleasant for everyone.
5. No-Drop rides are just that. Do not drop the group with an E-Bike if you are attending any no-drop ride.
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